Go read Frankenstein!
lightning in a bottle:

Outw4rd Area

Last Updated:


   Site Log

January - May 2024: Dead due to school.

December 2023: MySpace overhaul!!!! Everything updated, 10000 new divs, very messy HTML and CSS programing. First uses of Javascript. Philosophy section starts being added to.

Before December 2023 (semi-innacurate)...

September 2023 - November 2023
Philosophy section added, but not really fleshed out due to time limitations. A section for music reviewws is created. Learned more CSS and how to use divs.

June 2023 - August 2023 Updated music section with new stuff! And the site starts to look slightly nicer. I learn more html/CSS. Fishing section updated with 2023's very pathetic stats. Website has its 1st birthday :D

April 2023 - May 2023 Nothing much, it was exam season.

January 2023 - March 2023: I don't know, I think this is when the old about me was created based off of the carrd layout. Maybe the music section was added. Blog section added and quickly deleted.

November 2022 - December 2022: Very brief existence of a sports page that was quickly killed. Index updated with a hotbar and dashed recently updated section.

July - October 2022: Rudamentary html, index, fishing log, and pictures section added. green color palette picked. VERY basic CSS.

   Learn Html!
For an easy tutorial, go to htmldog. For a variety of levels and detail, go to Firefox. Or, you could use the one that I used with both HTML and CSS, W3schools. They have good basic stuff but also have specific things you might want to implement, like gradients or navigation bars. Javascript and custom fonts are an entirely different beast. Happy coding!

"relationships and jobs are temporary. your shitty unpopular tumblr blog is forever"

 july 11 2022

Most recent update:
IMPORTANT: This website is going on a hiatus for the next year and a few months. I'm adding it as a part of my portfolio for something, so I'm copying and revamping it so it no longer has anything to do with my online identity.

What's on each page?
Home It's where you are right now!
About Some of this website's backstory and some fun facts about me, its creator.
Fishing A log of my anual summer fishing activities as well as my lures and info about some fish.
Music A page where you can listen to some of the music I've made! It also links to a very unfinished page where you can read some of my thoughts on music I like.
Tumblr This is just a link to my Tumblr blog.